Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer in DC

Lucky for us, the best skate spot on the east coast is in DC. LOVE park used to be the best but from what i hear its pretty much shut down for skating these days......Freedom Plaza takes the cake.....Its amazing....And lately the cops havent been showing up to kick everyone out. There has been some really good sessions lately.
Peter is the king of curb SKATE. Nosepicks like nothing

These dudes were filming for who knows what. I got in there a poached a couple shots.
SSBSkickflip, no he didnt landRory and DevChild. Two of my best friends. Dev grew up down the street from me. We used to ride to highschool Butts to Nutts on the back of my motorcycle....Gross.DevChild knocked himself out for 40secs and ended up in a ambulance later this night, then snuck out of the hosipital. Blog coming soon.

1 comment:

@benBurbs said...

AWESOME! can't wait to see july 4th pix!!