I just got back from Whole Foods and spent 8$ on mac and cheese...I was so bummed when i got to the counter...I could have bought so many better things than Mac and Cheese...oh well...anyway, I took some photos i was stoked on today...for those reason i am obsessed with container ships and ships in general...these big ass ships can go 45mph...I know-Random!

There is such a sick seaport right near Danielles house. I took some shots here today.I was worried about getting hassled cause of the terror threat and all that.

We went bowling last night with a bunch of the K2 dudes and dudettes. It was awesome.

A month ago i was driving across this bridge in Seattle and I got a speeding ticket for 250 dollars...I was going the exact same speed as every other car. The fat cop was in such a hurry to pull someone else over that he threw the ticket in my window and ran back to his motocycle. The ticket blew out the window and off of the bridge..I should have written him a littering ticket.
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